Bulk Dried Herbs

In addition to the herbs we grow on the farm we also carry imported organic herbs. After years of trying to grow it all we have concluded that some herbs just don't grow well in our area not to mention the inevitable crop failure or deer buffet (farmer woes; we all have 'em).

We also like to ensure that we have an herb you're looking for because nothing is more inspiring or handy than a fully stocked home apothecary where all the jars are sitting side by side neatly labeled and awaiting your next creation.

You'll find herbs grown on our farm in this section as well- labeled 'Premium'.

Cinnamon Sticks ( True) from $15.00
Motherwort from $16.00
Organic Agrimony from $17.00
Organic Alfalfa from $14.00
Organic Ashwaganda from $10.00
Organic Astragalus from $15.00
Organic Basil Leaf from $8.00
Organic Black Cohosh Root from $36.00
Organic Black Peppercorns from $8.00
Organic Blessed Thistle from $17.00
Organic Boneset from $20.00
Organic Borage from $26.00
Organic Burdock Root from $10.00
Organic Cacao Nibs from $9.00
Organic Calamus Root from $15.00
Organic Calendula from $10.00
Organic California Poppy Sold Out
Organic Catnip from $14.00
Organic Cayenne Powder from $10.00
Organic Celandine from $20.00
Organic Chaga Mushroom from $25.00
Organic Chamomile Sold Out
Organic Chaste Tree Berries from $8.00
Organic Chicory Root- Roasted from $10.00
Organic Cinnamon from $15.00
Organic Cinnamon chips from $12.00
Organic Cleavers from $15.00
Organic Cloves from $16.00
Organic Codonopsis Root from $45.00
Organic Comfrey Leaf Sold Out
Organic Comfrey Root from $15.00
Organic Crampbark-Premium Sold Out
Organic Damiana Leaf from $13.00
Organic Dandelion Leaf from $14.00
Organic Dandelion Root- Raw from $10.00
Organic Dandelion Root- Raw- Premium Sold Out
Organic Dandelion Root-Roasted from $14.00
Organic Dill Weed from $10.00
Organic Dong Quai from $15.00
Organic Echinacea Root-Premium Sold Out
Organic Elderberries from $20.00
Organic Elderflowers from $20.00
Organic Fennel Seed from $12.00
Organic Fenugreek Seeds from $10.00
Organic Ginger Root from $13.00
Organic Ginko Leaf from $15.00
Organic Goldenrod- Premium Sold Out
Organic Gotu Kola from $10.00